I am so excited for this Full Moon! I feel very connected to Libra, being an air sign myself (Gemini). Another reason I love Libra so much is one of my best friends and my husband fall under this sign. Libra is all about balance, seeing things from all angles and having the best partnerships possible.

I feel like the last few months of my life have been really a lot of inner work, I’m sure you’ve all felt it too. The Universe has been demanding us to step up. I have been setting goals, reorganizing my life and reevaluating a lot of aspects. However with the April Full Moon it’s time to shift gears and see how you can help others and their greater good, how can you truly be of service to the world?? Don’t get me wrong… This moon isn’t all about other people. It is also going to be a GREAT time for self love and self respect. After all, you truly can’t be of service to others until you know and love your true authentic self.

Now that we’ve spent a good portion of the year on our own personal dreams and goals, it’s time to take a step back, slow down a little and let the Divine take hold and make things happen. Patients is KEY right now! I ask you to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself proper time to release old energies and emotions that have been weighing you down. Remember to also be supportive and loving to others as well. We are all going through this as one – so let’s make it as easy as we can <3.

Around the time of the Full Moon, the Universe is going to be offering you a gift. Almost like reward for all of your hard work for the years gone by.

If something has changed or come to an end recently, whether it is a job, relationship, or the end of a journey, really make time to reflect and celebrate. Really make the time to congratulate yourself and to honor yourself for all of your hard work. If health issues have arisen for you this year, also make the time to celebrate your body and to pay gratitude for the healing process.

In many ways, the April Full Moon is going to remind you that you have a lot to celebrate. As long as you can open your heart to this idea, the flood gates of celebratory energy will flow. To successfully navigate the energies in April, gratitude is KEY. Use the energy of gratitude as your driving force to make it through this Month. Know, as you move forward just know that you are protected against anything that will come your way – Libra is surrounded by a force field of protection 🙂


Best Moon Rituals to Perform:

This full moon is in Libra, opposite the sun sign Aries. This full Air Moon arrives at 12:08am on April 11, so you may want to perform your ceremony or ritual and put your tools out to charge on the night of April 10th.

Libra is represented by a set of scales, so rituals to increase balance in your life and in your partnerships are suitable. This is also a traditional time for spells to promote friendship and working with others. If there has been a rift with family or friends, healing spells are appropriate. Other spells/intentions/rituals that will work great are any that include:

  • justice and fairness
  • resolving breaches and enabling relationships to go smoothly.
  • partnership
  • legal matters
  • love rituals
  • airing differences
  • creating tact
  • balance & diplomacy
  • healing the kidneys

Happy Full Moon Friends – Remember in the end, it was all just a phase 🙂